Once upon a time

Akshat Sapra
2 min readMay 20, 2019

His eyes opened suddenly as if he remembered something. He lay still and frozen. After few moments had passed, he glanced outside. The darkness lurked around outside. His eyes was not sore, and he blinked pleasantly. The thoughts that occupied his mind were the carry forward from the last dream he was having, but Manish did not concentrate on them. Instead he got up and sat upright by the side of the bed. The novel “Old man and the sea” was the last thing he was did as reading before going to sleep. He thought of a comparison that was made between the Old Man and the marlin he tucked with him at the back of the book cover. Just then a clank happened at the main gate as if somebody banged it lightly. Manish left the leisure of the bed at that instance and exited the room. The wall clock was announcing forty minutes past four. He went to the kitchen and quenched his thirst. He found a pencil lying on the slab and collected it. While coming back from the kitchen, he stopped by the dining table at the sight of the folder filled with blank sheets. He took one of them out and rolled the pencil he was carrying on top of the sheet. He pulled the chair out and adjusted himself.

The wall clock is now announcing five minutes past five.

Photo by ASHLEY EDWARDS on Unsplash

The scratch will be made

by each drag of the pencil

The curve and curses in making

will make up series of words

Together with punctuation

put rightly and justly

Stories shall be created

Since that five past five.

